Dufu Technology Corp. Berhad (“Dufu”) held its 18th Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) thereafter for the proposed bonus issue via live streaming and online voting on 19 June 2020, which was broadcasted from its conference room at Plot 19, Hilir Sungai Keluang 2, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas, Fasa IV, 11900 Penang Malaysia.
In light of the Malaysian government’s measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 and to protect the health of its shareholders and employees, the Board decided, with regret, that shareholders could not attend the AGM in person. Only essential individuals involved in conducting the meeting were physically present at the broadcast venue, with full adherence to the standard health and safety operating procedures for businesses during this Covid-19 pandemic.

All the registered shareholders who participated were able to vote and ask questions remotely using the available remote participation and voting facilities. During the AGM, Mr. Yeoh Beng Hooi, Dufu’s Chief Executive Officer responded to the questions from shareholders namely on the Group’s performance, initiatives and strategy going forward in light of current economic conditions and the impact of Covid-19 to its business. Meanwhile, the CFO responded with an email the following day on those questions raised by shareholders after the allowed time frame. Shareholders approved all the resolutions proposed at the AGM and EGM respectively.

The fully virtual meetings demonstrated our continued commitment to engage with shareholders on a timely manner, while taking every precaution to safeguard their safety and wellbeing. The virtual proceedings are also in line with Practice 12.3 of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (“MCCG”), where companies are called upon to have transparent and regular communication with shareholders, including leveraging technology to promote shareholder participation.
Digital versions of the Annual Report 2019 and Corporate Governance Report 2019 are available on Bursa Malaysia’s website and Dufu’s website at https://www.dufutechnology.com/annual-reports/.